Wednesday, November 19, 2008

process vs. results

so, i was flipping through channels the other day, while on the treadmill (yay!) and happened upon a sound bite that got me thinking...(i have no idea what the people were talking about)

anyway, one of the commentators said that our culture tends to be focused on results instead of process. and when people are trying to make changes in their lives, focusing just on results is one of the worst things you can do.


i think that is at least part of my problem. i focus way way way too much on that size i wish i were, or the magic number on the scale...the ever elusive "someday when i'm skinny." and at least for me, focusing on results makes me depressed, anxious and impatient. i want results NOW. no, actually i want results YESTERDAY. and i'd rather they just magically happen instead of requiring actual work.

so, whoever it was that i saw on the tv was talking about having a destination in mind, but focusing on the process instead of the destination.

for me, i think that means focusing on what i'm doing every day instead of constantly thinking about "when i'm skinny" and wondering why i'm not there yet. so that's what i've been working on for the past few days. more walking, less snacking, smaller portions, more water. you know, the basics.

and thinking back to 04-05 when i was actually much skinnier than i am now...i'm pretty sure that's how i got there then. i wasn't counting points, i wasn't weighing myself, i wasn't even trying to lose weight. i just was involved with lots of other exciting projects and discovered yoga and was eating healthier because it felt good. hmm.

so, i think i'm going to not weigh myself. resurrect the daily cardio/pilates abs routine. keep eating healthy foods, stop snacking when i'm not really hungry. eat less, move more. and hopefully in the process, get back into my old jeans again.


jen walters said...

love this concept! I'm always looking ahead to those skinny days. It's like I think some magic thing is going to happen the day the scale reads my goal weight... like all things in life will be perfect... and I'll feel fabulous in my skin. When, actually, I should be enjoying the ride!... the process! Honestly, it is an exciting thing to feel stronger, thinner, more fit. And to watch our bodies transform should keep us going... but who wouldn't love some results, like... NOW. haha

good luck on your goals before hitting the ehem, 3-0. I got a little stressed at 25, hints my goals at 25... :)


RunToTheFinish said...

just found you from Crabby and I think this is a great post! I think we all need to learn to love the journey since that's where we are right now, instead of always just being focused on the end.