Sunday, March 16, 2008

in a funk/rut

hmm...funk/rut could be a cool name for a band...

ok, as you've probably guessed, my motivation level has taken a nosedive since..umm...december. and it has pretty much stayed in a tailspin since then. i just can't seem to pull myself out of it.

i am still exercising every single day. pilates or treadmill. but my eating? holy all-over-the-map, batman. i can sustain self control until about 11am, and then i just start eating indiscriminately. and i just don't really care. i always wake up with these grand intentions of counting everything i eat and being good and then...bam! it's 11 pm, i'm still hungry, i have no idea what i've really eaten that day except for some vague memories of a sandwich...and oh, there was that bowl of cereal...and did i eat 2 kashi granola bars or just one? and i think i might have had a cookie. and some popcorn. wait, did i have 2 cookies? etc. etc. you get the idea...

i dunno, maybe it's the lingering winter-ish weather...or maybe i've just got a case of the blahs. i know it's a lot of stress eating combined with emotional eating. i still want to lose weight, but i just can't muster up the motivation to do all of the work it will take to actually lose it.

and see, this is always the problem...i'll lose some 10 lbs, everything is great, i'm totally motivated and doing great and then i'll hit something like a holiday or vacation and that ignites that i-don't-care demons and then 3 months later i'm pretty much back where i started.


so, for now i think i'm going to focus on maintaining my exercise regimen...and keep hacking away at the eating bit. i'm sure sooner or later i'll get up the gumption to start really trying...i'm just not feeling it right now....


katieo said...

I know how you feel. I'm in the groove right now, but when I'm not, it doesn't matter what I've got going in my favor, it's just impossible.

I know this is supposed to be a lifestyle change and yada yada...but sometimes a good kickstart is getting into a new piece of clothing for a vacay, or swimsuit season, or whatever, Those short term mostly shallow goals actually go a long way for me.

And I predict once spring hits, you'll be feeling a lot better. Even a couple of warm days around here, and I have this newfound zest for life. (cheesy, but true)

There's nothing wrong with maintaining, especially if you're keeping up with the exercise!

Carolyn said...

I know what you mean. Since Christmas I have been in a "weekend" rut. Friday at 4:30, as soon as I leave work, I get into the weekend mentality. The I-can-eat-whatever-I-want mentality and all my hard work through the week is destroyed!
We'll get there. We just need to get down to business. We can do this!!

Bri said...

I agree with Katie - once we leave the coats at home and start removing those bulky sweaters, we'll think it's time to get serious :)

But way to go on exercise! you are WAY ahead of me. I can only manage to exercise on the weekends.

anna said...

i pretty much get the funk/rut every year before spring hits. i'm soooo ready for some sun!! bring on the heat, baby! and then my mood is amazingly upbeat!!

Unknown said...

Haha, Meg, you kill me! I just read your 'J.Crew' model post! Too funny!!!

Perhaps you should join Glam's bikini challenge, where we post bikini shots (or any other intimidating piece of clothing, be it tight jeans, or whatevs!) on May 8th! I can't say it has totally helped me stick to my plan (see latest post!) but it does provide some motivation when it is otherwise waning.

Also - sometimes when I remove the pressure to be 'good' and just attempt to be reasonable instead, I find I make better choices. But this journey, yeah, portions of it REALLY BLOW. Hard. Everyone has their ebbs and flows, you know?

And besides Meg, think about your AWESOME daily exercise habit you've picked up!

Healthy Pear said...

LOL! That is EXACTLY how I have been doing this winter! What is going on with us?!
Luckily spring is here and our motivation will (hopefully) soar with the temperatures! :)

Sara said...

I find that this winter has been really tough. I think you should just continue with what you are doing - concentrating on exercise and once spring comes start focusing on eating! Good Luck!

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

You are one step ahead of me. I'm not even working out! I have many excuses (I just got married, I'm working the night shift blahdy blahdy blah)I actually had the urge to exercise today and I fought it! Can you believe it? I really just want to go home and work out now.

About your eating situation- How are you eating in the morning? I find that if I skimp on breakfast I eat tons more than I would have anyways.

Good luck with finding motivation. Hook me up when you find it!

Amy said...

Meg, Meg, Meg! I feel your pain. I'm sure we all do. It happens to the best of us, and usually around this blah time of year!

Is there something bothering you that maybe you haven't really addressed? Maybe it's seeping into other areas of your life? (okay, my attempts at Psych 101 are over now...)

Here's your instruction for the week: Go shopping and buy something that makes you feel fabulous -- a pair of shoes, some new makeup, a massage! Anything that shows you that you deserve wonderful things all of the time, not just when you're "being good".

Then take some deep breaths and join us in the May 8th bikini challenge! God knows this body isn't ready for lycra or anything without "tummy control" but dammit, I'm doing it!

Come on, Meg. Don't make us come over there. (Wherever you are...) ;)