Thursday, May 29, 2008

water is the new diet coke

i know, i keep blogging about how i'm not drinking diet coke anymore. but seriously, this is huge. no, make that so HUGE! i started drinking it in my early teens, and never stopped. it slowly escalated into a complete addiction/obsession, magnified anytime i had a stressful day or week. i would venture to say that i haven't gone more than 48 hours without one since i was about 16. no, i'm no kidding. (my parents are total addicts too) i've "quit" before--but it was always with the 'i can drink it when i'm out of the house and/or eating out' clause.

i haven't had any for almost 2 weeks now. if you would have asked me even a month ago if i could have gone even 24 hours without one, i would have said "no way."

funny thing is, people who don't know that i've switched to h20 have even commented that i seem like i have more energy and seem happier. and guess what, i feel better--fewer headaches, fewer muscle aches, i just feel...better.

i have never ever believed in all the crazy stuff you read on the internet about how nutrasweet will kill you and makes you feel yucky...until i stopped drinking it. and now i kind of believe all the anti-nutrasweet hype out there...they just might be on to something...

more importantly though, i feel like i have control. i am no longer a slave to the coca-cola company. and controlling that is helping me control my eating.

so, that is why water is the new diet coke.


WeightingGame said... I read this, I'm sitting in a coffee shop, trying to avoid getting something caffeinated and yummy. I'm not even a coffee drinker - I just get Americanos to perk me up. I NEVER drink water - it's gross how dehydrated I am. I should go up and get some H20 right now!

WeightingGame said...

I did it! I got water! You inspired me:-)

Melissa said...


To put it lightly, I love diet coke more than any man I've ever met. I rarely go 4 hours without it! I want to stop so badly, but I can't seem to make it happen. Do you have any advice?

Congratulations by the way!