Sunday, April 13, 2008

Rub a Dub Dub...

...i feel like a tub.

i seriously don't know what my problem has been. i just can't seem to get it together in the eating department lately. and by lately, i mean since...umm...december. there have been multiple 'chocolate incidents' as of late...cookies, m&ms, skinny cows, dessert at restaurants etc. etc. plus, i just haven't been counting, or caring. at all.

exercise, yea, i do it. but it doesn't really matter when i'm eating anything and everything all day every day.

seriously. time to get a grip.

so. this week is "GET A HOLD OF YOURSELF, WOMAN!" week.

i will weigh in on friday. (eek)

and i will post pics of me in my pre-mylifebecameinsaneandimdoingwaytoomanythingsandneversleep jeans circa May 2005. those are the new goal. (double eek. no, better make that a triple eek)

and i will food journal. because as much as i hate it, it does work.

and i will stop all of the cookie/chocolate/sugar madness. i mean really. this blog is called 'skinnify', not 'tubbify'...


Healthy Pear said...

I'm with you on the hard to get a grip on eating healthy and sticking to your plan. I decided to try WW's core program and actually really like it because your focus is on the healthy food and not on the junk. Maybe you should try it for a week. Just a suggestion. Good luck! :)

Sara said...

welcome back! Hope the scale is kind and that the cookie monster comes and eats all your treats for you!