Friday, January 18, 2008

Reality Bites

i decided to face my fears and step on ye olde scale this morning.


well, it could have been much much much worse, but i'm still none too pleased with my post-christmas tailspin. yes, i have been exercising...but my eating has been downright sinful. too many brownies, cookies, pizza, bread, chipotle and unrepentant eat-whatever-i-want behavior.

yes, reality bites. when i eat like crap, the number on the scale goes up. sad, but true. exercise does help...but it can't make all those extra calories disappear.

i am hoping this will provide the motivation that has been lacking this week. i think at least part of the problem is that it's january. we're deep in the thick of winter coat/bulky sweater season, so i'm feeling nice and comfy with any weight gain neatly hidden beneath my very cute winter coat. time to take the coat (and gloves) off.

(the number on the scale was 172.2...up from 169.4 the week before christmas. boo.)


Unknown said...

After eating all that food, this is no big deal. I wish I could eat a brownie and not gain 1lb for each one. Plus, you can lose this in a week I bet if you eat a bit better ;-)

Unknown said...

I'm with Cara above, after the list you rattled off I was expecting far more than a 3lb gain! I'd say count yourself lucky. It seems the exercising has been at least slowing down the gain-rate, no?

It will be gone in no time, I'm sure.

Sydney said...

trade links ?