Sunday, November 25, 2007

thanksgiving special edition

hello again.

well, i just have to say that i'm sort of mystified by my own *extremely good behavior* over the last week or so. it's like being inhabited by another know, one of those people who actually has it together and doesn't overeat and always exercises? you know, one of those skinny people...

honestly, i can't really account for the change. it just seems to have happened in the last few weeks...i have gotten things under control. maybe my brother being gone? hmm. i was fully expecting a total relapse when i went home last week...but the relapse never happened. nice. let's just keep it this way, shall we?

i've been exercising (walking 60 min) every day. even on thanksgiving.

i said no to the rolls. (gasp!)

i said no to a second piece of pumpkin pie (what?)

i said no to a second serving of stuffing (my favorite!)

i kept track of all my points every day. and i managed to not snack away the entire pantry like i used to do. (seriously. i'm not making this up!)

and...we made magnolia cupcakes for my sister's b-day. (these are a *total* trigger/weakness for me). guess how many i ate? 2 cupcakes over 2 days. i have been known to eat like 6-12 in a day. no joke. just 2?! crazy. good crazy though.

so...i don't know who this alien is that is inhabiting my physical space...but, i hope she stays around.

haven't checked the scale so i have no idea what i weigh...i hope i stick at the fluke 170 mark i was at before thanksgiving...or the 160's would be a nice surprise...

and OH OH OH! guess what? i bought a skirt in size 10 this weekend! and i tried on size 32 joes jeans and they were too big. 31's fit!!! yippee skippee!

(thanks for letting me brag.)


Bri said...

whoa. pass some of your goodness over here! Yay for smaller sizes - congrats :)

katieo said...

Yo Meg. You are doing so fantastic. I'm so glad to hear your super-virtuousity is lasting EVEN with the evil brother back home! And seriously, 10's (31's!) !!!! That's really something to celebrate!

(...and no to the rolls? you must have superpowers...)

Bri said...

one more thing - GOOD WORK ON THE MAGNOLIA CUPCAKES. That is so amazing. I am not allowed near those things.

Unknown said...

Wahooo Meg!!! I think your 'alien' like state is going to motivate me to seek out my own inner alien. =)

2 cupcakes in 2 days? Seriously? Apply for sainthood. ASAP.

You rule!

Sara said...

Wowsa - that is absolutely amazing!!! Keep up the good work and keep us inspired!!! Good Luck with the scale!

soapbox girl said...

That's G-RRRREAT! YAY, MEG! :)

Amy said...

The mere mention of cupcakes causes me drool uncontrollably. You deserve a medal. A trophy. Ooooohh, I know, I know -- another cupcake??! See? I'm terrible.

Props to your amazing, cupcake deflecting superpowers!