Thursday, October 25, 2007

chugging along...slowly

hello, all. sorry i've been mia this week too...though i'm not nearly as busy as bri, i somehow keep finding that it's suddenly 1am and i don't know where the day went!

anyway, i'm still here...plodding along. i weighed myself yesterday and was 1 lb less than last friday. yay. hopefully it will be a little less tomorrow. it's amazing that you can gain 3 lbs. in one week so easily, and then it takes for-freaking-ever to lose it. rahh. i could never be an actress an have to gain/lose weight for roles. well, i could gain it no problem, but losing it again would suck. i don't know how they do it.

so...the seasons are changing here and therefore so is my wardrobe. and i'm coming to the realization (again) that i really have gained some weight since last winter..since none of my trusty black pants or favorite winter/fall skirts seem to look as good as i remember see, i've never been a scale person. i never even had a scale until i started this blog! i'm fairly muscular and i have a slightly larger frame, so numbers just never seem to make sense to me (and they still don't). i've always felt like the numbers on the scale don't make sense with my pants/clothes sizes... so even when i was "skinny", i don't really know how much i weighed. part of the mental challenge of losing weight this time is i don't really know what i'm aiming for. i'm pretty sure i was around 165 last winter...and i have a feeling that my skinniest adult weight (in 2005) was somewhere around 155-160. is 145 even realistic for me? who knows.

the other frustrating thing is that even when i do lose weight, the clothing numbers don't really change--they just look better. even when i was "skinny" in 2005, i was still a 12 or a 32...granted, i can't wear those same 32's in public right now...but still--sometimes i feel like ok, even if i do make all these radical changes and get skinny, i'm still going to be the biggest size on the rack just because that's my frame. rahh. so, part of me hates the scale, but then in a lot of ways, that's really the only concrete way to measure my progress.

anyway...those are my random thursday thoughts. what about you? any thoughts on scale vs. clothing sizes?

goals for today:
20 min walking after pilates
journal everything
water. why is it so hard to drink water?


Randi said...

I totally always used to feel like that. I was just destined to wear size large based on my shoulders and legs. Then I got really skinny (I mean still healthy, but thin, like a person who never thinks about food sorta thin) and I realized that sure I've got wide shoulders and big boobs, and muscular legs. But it was the fat on top that was making me big. I got down to a size medium shirt and 27 pant. And I bought a bikini. So I know now, that it's not my frame dictating size to me, it's all the fat on top of that frame.
Just my experience.

soapbox girl said...

So why does everyone want to be me,"Mia"? (just teasing) Weight redistributes as we age. For instance, I wear a much larger "teen" size than I do in misses. Teen sizes are 3, 5, 7, 9, 11 and 13. Misses sizes are 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12 and 14. When I WAS a teenager, I wore a smaller size, even at the exact same weight. As I've aged, my weight has accumulated around my hips, something I never had as a girl. So weight and clothing sizes are not an exact science. (not to mention that the fashion industry keeps adjusting the proportions for what constitutes any given size)

Unknown said...

Oh numbers. I'd comment... but I'm trying not to let them consume my thoughts at the moment.

But basically: a big fat I HEAR YA!

Adora said...

I just posted something about numbers tonight - following a huge realization I just had while standing in my closet. Those numbers can really be deceiving sometimes.

katieo said...

Numbers Shmumbers. Everyone is SO different. Heck, I'M different after having chillens.

I'm plodding along too. It's hard right now for me. But I'm really trying to still hang in there.

and I totally understand about the 3 on lickity split, but losing those three? uuuuugh.

playing the scale/clothes game and not letting it totally consume you (meaning me) is a tricky game. I'm with ya.