Thursday, October 4, 2007

wednesday update yesterday i didn't quite make the 60 min mark for walking and my eating wasn't super great, but it wasn't bad either. i managed to only eat 1 brownie from the pan that my brother made instead of 5, which is what i was doing last weekend. apparently, brownies are the temptation of the week. (this is the 4th batch he's made since last friday). why must he always have chocolate baked goods around? rahh. anyway, ended w/ 30 pts eaten, exercised 2.

some good news on the horizon...especially in light of the christmas challenge:
1. skinny bro is getting shipped to china (literally) for 4 weeks in nov-dec! i am excited for him to go, but i'm also very excited that the house will be free of junk food for at least those 4 weeks...(for those who have been reading us from the beginning, remember how i lost like 8 lbs in about 2 weeks when i first started? yea, the brother was out of town then...)

2. i have signed myself up for a 3rd pilates session every week. i'm contemplating getting back into yoga too...

so anyway....goals for today:
20 min walking after pilates
count everything
water: drink some


Sara said...

Oh my god how do you do it. Brownies are like an ultimate fave, I would be like 500 lbs if I lived with skinny bro!! Yea for him going to China - 4 whole weeks to lose weight with minimal temptation!!!

Bri said...

Oh brownies - those are horrible. In college, I'd make them and leave the knife in the pan so i could just cut off slivers and eat them. since slivers aren't squares, and only square have calories, right?

I think your briger is a weight gain trigger. He's baaaad. You need to build him a separate kitchen.

soapbox girl said...

I have to admit I laughed out loud when I read that your brother is going to China! What a great experience! Man am I jealous!

I bet the weight comes off in a hurry while he's gone.

Bri said...

um briger=brother. Yeah, I am the typo queen.

Meg said...

sara--yes, i'm hoping to avoid being 500 lbs!! i'm actually (honestly) surprised that i don't weigh a lot more than i do...

bri--ha ha, yes "bridger" or brother is definitely a food trigger...but in reality, anyone eating sweet things around me is a trigger!

soapboxgirl--yes, i'm hoping for some serious success when he's gone...and then i'll have to worry about not gaining it back...

katieo said...

Yay! The devil is going to China!
You can do a LOT in 4 weeks!

Carolyn said...

I don't know how you do it. I can't have any junk in my house or I would give in! You're will power amazes me!!
Rock it while you're brother is out of town!!