Tuesday, October 2, 2007

why being good is easier

ok ok...sorry about all the whining yesterday. i did actually get my act together today. i exercised 6 points (60 min pilates and 60 min walking), and ate 25..mostly healthy stuff.

and, i will probably have to learn this over and over and over...but it is in fact easier to just be good. there's a lot less guilt, less mental anguish, fewer i-think-i'm-going-crazy type thoughts, fewer are-my-jeans-going-to-fit-tomorrow questions and less junk food fatigue.

soooo...thanks for all of your helpful comments and for reading my crazy posts even on the bad days!

goals for tomorrow:
60 min walking
count everything
no more silly business


Bri said...

good work Meg. especially with the exercise :)

katieo said...

"no more silly business"

lol. I don't know abou that one...

From one food lunatic to another, I totally heard myself in the last post and completely agree with the "over and over" concept. Good job meg!

soapbox girl said...

After a period of time, you'll notice you have more good days than bad days. Don't expect perfection; it's not possible (unfortunately!).

Bri mentioned trying Core. I did that for a while and it helped me. I didn't have to count, which was nice. However, there are some foods that you can't have. The weight loss is usually a little faster with core--at least that was my experience.

Good luck!

Carolyn said...

Once you get into a routine, it does get a lot easier!
Good goals! I know you can do this!!