Sunday, October 7, 2007

i couldn't help it either! has been one of those weekends!

i decided to reset my flex on fridays instead of we'll see how it goes. so, far so good, i think.

yesterday...i was better than a lot of saturdays, but i still need to make some huge changes in my weekends. honestly, what is the deal?! why does the "shovel food in mouth button" get pushed every saturday morning? well, anyway, i ended up with 36 points eaten, no exercise.

sunday...well, today i had dinner at my grandparents. enough said, right? yes, it was a full-tilt all-out food fest: homemade rolls, roast beef, potatoes, homemade poppy seed dressing, real ice cream and the bowl of dove chocolates that kept getting pushed at me by my chocoholic grandpa. did i mention the rolls? well, i really was trying to be good---my gma even said, "meg, you aren't eating very much!"...but i still ended up with 38 points today. (yikes!!!) so, i've got 7 points left for the rest of the week--which i'm totally ok with. for some reason week days are sooo much easier.

this is the first weekend ive actually kept track of everything i've eaten though--which is a major victory. even though i am absolutely horrified by the does really explain why i've been gaining and not losing though. hello! i felt like i was being good and still ended up with 36 and 38!?

goals for tomorrow:
60 min walking
best behavior! count everything.


Bri said...

ahaha - I guess we had similar weekends! Don't you hate how you were on best behavior yet accumulated tons of points? Sigh. Oh well. It'll make eating goals for a week a bit easier to chart out :)

katieo said...

"this is the first weekend ive actually kept track of everything i've eaten though--which is a major victory."
Good Job Meg. It's so HARD to do that sometimes!
(and that dinner sounded fantastic!)

Jaime said...

I hear ya. My weekdays are spectacular points wise (for the most part) but weekends become a free-for-all (generally for no apparent reason). Good to know I'm not the only one!