Friday, October 12, 2007


I'm completely baffled. I've been weighing in at 138 all week and thought it was some kind of bizarre error, but for my "official" weight this morning I was 137.5. Holy Moly. I haven't seen a number that low in a while but I'm really excited. I don't really understand the loss since I lost a fair bit last week as well, and I haven't been (u-hem) the best little exerciser lately (thanks cough, I love you too). I fully expected to not lose any weight for another few weeks now, but I just hope I stay in the 130s. I loooove the 130s.

Anyway, I've lost 15 pounds so far (and a lot faster than I expected after making only minor changes in my life) and want to lose 10 more. My official goal says 3 more pounds, but as I've said before, I'd really like to weigh less than my husband. I've been that low before - it was my high school weight and my drivers license wouldn't lie, would it? We'll see how it goes from here. I'm just happy to report that I feel like I'm starting to look "normal" again. I saw a college friend recently who I hadn't seen in a few years and he said "You got skinny" - I know it was supposed to be a compliment, but it made me kind of sad - how big was I? I think of where I am now as how I should be, and how I have been for most of my life. Maybe it's just all in my head. Though, no one around here seems to have noticed any change in my figure except for the boy and my lab benchmate (who's a reader - hi!!!), and they both know I've been back on the dieting train. At least that means I was hiding the weight well? maybe???

Oh, and my progress pants almost fit! there is just a little pulling on the slit pockets from the side, but the butt part looks a-ok :)

(Image credit)


Cory said...

Definitely a nice weigh in. Congrats on the good week. Keep it up!

Meg said...

yay!!!!!! good job!!!

soapbox girl said...

Congratulations! That's really exciting! I can't wait to be skinny, too!

Unknown said...

Ooooh, the 130s! I seriously might have been in elementary school the last time I saw the 130s. CONGRATS!!

katieo said...

ooo, I have to admit, I'm totally jealous! 137.5? That's so awesome! And progress pants fitting? We need an updated pic!

(and thickchick, elementary school? lol!)

Bri said...

Thanks! I just hope I can maintain for next week!

Katie - I'll take new pics once it really fit into those pants