Wednesday, October 10, 2007


I've been thinking a lot about sustainability lately. I think that my re-found eating habits are sustainable - we eat pretty well at this house, and most of it is "whole". I don't feel limited or "on a diet" when faced with good foods, even on weekends. I think this'll be great for me come maintenance time, but I'm really worried about my exercise. Living in Boston, I get a fair amount of walking in, but I have not fallen into a good exercise pattern. It's not a habit. And I think it's because I haven't found exercise that I like. I've been asking to boy to go on walks with me (we go all yuppified, with hot drinks in hand) but walking your neighborhood still isn't quite enough. Treadmill speed walking while watching the only tv I get will still be good for me, but I'm just haven't gotten into it, if you know what I mean. Pilates is a chore, so I barely get around to it. Hrm. Any ideas?

FJ: I dipped into my flex "account" today because I forgot my lunch at home (GASP!) and ended up eating pb+honey, plus some dumpling that a friend was sharing. Then I came home and was madly craving toasty bread with yummy creamy cheese all over it to go with the soup. I've never made this soup before but it's good. Highly recommended. Anyway: ate 26, exercised 2, leaving me 8 flex for tomorrow (not bad considering my weekend!).


Meg said...

hmm...on the exercise seemed like you were doing really well when you were really into kickboxing w/ your friends. is there something else like that you could do? having someone else involved to "make" you do it always helps...maybe trying a new kind of exercise? like a yoga class or spinning? is there a gym by your house?

Sonya said...

Hi there,

I just found your blog through a fellow blogger.

I find exercising very hard too. If you like working out at home, I bought the biggest loser exercise DVD not that long ago and it is fantastic. The trainer "Bob" is sooo motivational, and I liked that real people were doing the workouts and struggling too!

The dvd has a 6 week program that you can do. You might want to check it out.

Jaime said...

That soup looks fantastic! Thanks for sharing...I'm all over it!

I understand your exercise dilemna. I live in the country so the only convenient things to do out here are walk or ride my bike. My boyfriend has been away since May for work, so doing these things alone has lost it's fun.

Maybe you and your boy could join a dance class or something together? Or someone mentioned you liked that something you could partner up to do again? I find that I'm much more motivated if I know someone else is counting on me for it. I take Kickboxing too and I don't know how many times I've thanked my partners for holding me to it.

Good luck!!