Monday, October 1, 2007

rebel without a cause

ummm....this is me. a rebel without a cause. but apparently i have chosen myself as the cause to rebel against.

i seriously don't know what my problem is. i just can't get on board the weight loss train. i just keep gaining. i could blame my schedule, stress, working at home, eating out too much and the endless parade of chocolate chips, cookies, brownies, ice cream and chipotle that is brought in the house or eaten in front of me by you-know-who....

but really it's just me. i have no willpower.

ok, sometimes i have willpower. but it runs out after about 72 hours.

ay ay ay. i just need to get over it and stop putting food in my mouth. why is this so hard? bri, remember how i've always said that if i ever get too fat you are to put duct tape over my mouth and tie me to a treadmill? might be a good time... just as a precaution. an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure, right?

ok. tomorrow i stop being a food lunatic and start counting again. umm...but seriously, am i the only crazy person out here in the weightlossblogosphere who sometimes doesn't really care about losing weight? (gasp!) who sometimes really just likes brownies and hates hates hates hates counting points? (oh my!) who really resents having to exercise "portion control" and/or "self-control?" (horrors!) who for some reason doesn't like being "satisfied" by "fake treats" that are in the 1-2 point range instead of real treats that are in the 5-10 point range? (scream!)

yea yea, i know. time to be a grown up, face reality and get back on board.

goals for tomorrow:
water--drink it
walk 20 min after pilates
count all points
no more silly business.


Bri said...

Glad you are back. If you don't post your food journal for the next week, I'll book a ticket out there and grab some duct tape. You'd better watch out. Plus, if you don't lose weight for the x-mas challenge, I might bring Randi with me. It won't be pretty. I'm sending your b-day present early - it should help motivate you in the morning :)

Anonymous said...

Meg, heres the deal: I hate fake treats too. A Skinny Cow tastes okay, but I'd really rather have a big fat brownie....and NOT one made by Vita that tastes somewhat similar to a brownie. But.... we can only indulge in these REAL treats a couple times per week IF we ever hope to reach our goals. But I know what you mean... This whole thing often feels so unfair to me, that I have to worry about it and 'miss out' on treats while some of my naturally thin friends get to eat what they please without stressing about how many calories they have or have not burned that day. It sucks. But it is reality. And it could be a lot worse.

I've been on a bumpy road too lately but the one thing that has helped me these past few days is to wake up and tell myself: I will do what I can today to make healthy choices. Not tomorrow. Not next week. Only today. Rinse. Repeat.

Sara said...

Meg I'm totally in the same boat as you. I had all those pseudofoods that are supposed to be replacements for the real deal. One thing I've done in the past and that I'm going to do now is allow myself 1 free day (or free 3 meals) a week. That way I have something to look forward to! B/c let's face it when you're indulging do you really want to track points - when I do that I just feel more guilty. The free day is planned and totally guilt free! I've lost weight this way so I'm hoping this gives me the motivation. Good luck!!!

Unknown said...

I definitely know how you feel. I have not lost weight after 4 months of working out and cutting calories. Now I am focusing on the health benefits at least. Otherwise I just start thinking about how I could just go back to my old lifestyle because then I stayed at the weight while eating the brownies and not working out.

I need to stop thinking about brownies now. Dangerous.

soapbox girl said...

Save special treats for every now and then, but get back on track afterwards. You can do it! I know you can, and you are going to feel awesome when you do! Oh, and happy birthday! :)

Bri said...

Do you think trying Core would help?