Saturday, September 22, 2007


Short post - just wanted to account for my points the past two days before I forget:

Friday: ate 25, exercised 3, flex left 33 (Had a small plate for dinner at Chez Henri - was very tasty. Mmmmm.... Then I had pumpkin ice cream at Toscis. Also mmmm...)

Saturday: ate 40, exercised 10 (I grouted the floor in the bathroom all by myself and am now doped up on ibuprofen), flex left 23.

I hope everyone is having a good weekend!


soapbox girl said...

Chez Henri looks tres chic. And pumpkin ice cream! Yum!

Randi said...

sounds very delicious and nice work on the activity, but it's the week now, let's get those points back under control!