Tuesday, September 25, 2007

my pack a day habit

i'm starting to worry because blueberry season is going to be closing down soon, and I am totally addicted! i eat them with yogurt, cereal, on top of toaster waffles, by themselves...yum yum yum

what will i do when they are out of season and are either a) gross or b) like $6.99 a carton during the winter?

i'm not so crazy about frozen. any ideas? or is there a secret source for good blueberries during the winter that i don't know about? (um, yea, pardon my produce-section naievete...this is the first time in awhile that i've actually routinely grocery shopped for things besides diet coke and microwave popcorn.)

cookie update: none today! hurrah! the magic yellow cloth worked!

FJ: Exercised 4, ate 24
Wednesday Goal: Walking for 60 min.


Bri said...

Uh, bad news Meg - your only choice will be frozen. When they are out of season (um, aren't they already out of season?) even the $3 buckets will be nasty tasting. Your only option is frozen. Try wild ones instead of the regular (Costco has it though the TJs version is tastier). I nuke mine and put my kashi over it. and put them under yogurt. or make sauce for them to top waffles or ice cream. Not that I'd be eating waffles or ice cream.

soapbox girl said...

It's so sad when blueberries (and other seasonal fruit) go away. I kinda like the frozen blueberries in my yogurt because it freezes the yogurt a little bit and makes it seem more like ice cream. However, that's the only place I like frozen blueberries! They get a strange texture if you let them defrost.

Try a new and exciting winter fruit! Half of Me (Pasta Queen) has a section on her blog called "Lick the Produce" where she tries new and strange produce. It's often hilarious. Think of it as an adventure. (OK- I'll shut up now!) sorry about the blueberries.

Unknown said...

Yeah, I run on TJ's frozen wild organic blueberries, every morning with my cottage cheese.

Maybe you need to fire up an affair with apples or oranges?
(I know, the fall/winter fruits aren't NEARLY as sexy as the spring/summer fruits.)

katieo said...

Hey! good job on not eating any cookies!!