Thursday, September 13, 2007

For the love of popcorn

Mmmm...popcorn. Can you smell it? We just got our shipment of 12 types of lovely popcorn in from Fireworks. To avoid the transfat of microwave popcorn (and apparently, lung-disease causing butter flavoring), we switched a little while ago to making popcorn on the stovetop or the microwave with a touch of olive oil, then adding in fine salt. It has a vibrant, bright taste, and doesn't take any more effort or time to cook. For microwaving, I don't use a popcorn-specific bowl, but just a large microwaveable tupperware (you know, the hard kind, not the soft rubbermaidy type). I'm really excited to try out all of these beauties, which are actually CHEAPER per pound than Conagra's Orville Redenbacher's. Plus, I like to support small business (let's ignore my obsession with J. Crew and Costco). Now we'll see if I get convince the boy to not buy the 25 lb bag the next time around.

Today was a not so good day at work, and I've actually had no time to exercise. So be it. Ate 21, exercised 0, flex left 11. I'm send my fat go away signals before tomorrow morning's scalefest.


Randi said...

Look at you and your fancy pants popcorn. Do they each taste different? Different corns or are they flavoured some how? We have an air popper that I like to you. Hubby puts on his own seasoning and butter concoction even on the butter flavoured stuff so I thought lets save some transfats. Plus I like to make carmel corn and so on at Christmas.

Bri said...

I know - isn't it fun? It's just different types of corn - there is no flavoring, though they sell oodles of favorings on their website too. You should get some!