Saturday, September 8, 2007

fighting the blahs...

the first few weeks i was doing this, i was totally enthusiastic about for healthy food, getting up early to go walking, even weigh-ins. but, i admit, my enthusiasm is a bit lacking these days...i can't seem to drag myself out of bed to exercise for anything. (partially, i think it's because i have an ipod that is a pc ipod and my pc crashed, so i'm stuck with the same songs that i've been listening to forever.) i still like shopping for healthy food, but i kind of just feel...blah...

so, what do you do when you're feeling blah? i know the worst thing to do would be to give up--don't worry, no plans for that. i just need something to jump-start me and bring the enthusiasm level back up. any ideas?

(i suppose seeing losses instead of gains would probably do the trick....)

anyway, yesterday wasn't the best, but i did exercise some mighty self control. i went to the movies and split popcorn w/ skinny bro (no butter) and then afterwards he wanted pizza and i managed to only eat 1 piece and fill up on salad instead. (go me!) however, i did eat 2 skinny cow ice cream sandwiches (moment of weakness) and didn't exercise (grr). I ended with 29.5 eaten...i'm really not sure where i stand w/ flex points--i need to keep better track of those...


Bri said...

Good question! Usually I feel sorry for myself for a while (not recommended), then I'll decide on swift action and start making to-do lists. When it's diet related, I will get organized and stock the kitchen with my low point foods. Then I call you and whine for a while :)

But really, the blahs will pass. Just stick with it, then you will see another loss, then BANG. you will be back in the game.

Seems like its just the scale that is a problem. Maybe you should take your measurements!

katieo said...

Mini-goals save me during the blahs. Sometimes just making it to the next weigh-in sans splurging is worth some recognition. I just find something to look forward helps to keep me a little more focused. Long-term helps me too, but those mini goals and rewards are a little more gratifying because they come a little sooner, a little easier.