Thursday, September 27, 2007

huh, not as bad as i thought...

(actually, these things are pretty good if you heat them on the griddle w/ a little pam.)

i'm sure most of you probably already know about such things as "low fat/low carb whole wheat tortillas"...but i just discovered them last night. i'm originally from the southwest, so i'm a little bit of a tortilla snob in the first place...i have a really really hard time choking down the widely available packaged brands, so i was a little hesitant to try these. but, they were good! and with 50 cal, 3g fat and 8g fiber, well, i have no complaints. as much as i miss the *real* tortillas we had at home, these are probably better for me...ok, not probably, i'm sure they're better than the ones made with lard.

goal/FJ updates: yesterday was only able to get in 30 min of walking...exercised 2 and ate 24. goal for today was 20 min walking after pilates, but i have a giant headache, so i think i'm gonna skip it or try later. goal for tomorrow: 60 min walking.

oh, and yet another cookie-free day! magic yellow cloth=best idea ever.


Anonymous said...

Congrats on the cookie-free day!!
You're a cookie-dodging ninja and I admire your skillz.

I can't do the Tortilla-factory tortillas. I know they're all natural and high fiber and such, but the texture bugs me... I prefer the chemically altered goodness of Mission Low-carb tortillas - equally high fiber but probably with a fair amount of unnatural ingredients.... but my 2 cents: a much more 'normal' texture.

Randi said...

I'm always so ripped off at how bad tortillas are for you. I thought they were supposed to be a good replacement for bread (thinking atkins or something) but there really isn't much difference, and it feels like you're eating so much less! (plus doesn't satisfy that bread craving) I wish we had these things in canada. but i'll just add it to the list.
yay no cookies! Get on somebody else to eat them and make them disppear!

Carolyn said...

Have you tried Flatout wraps? They come in a few different flavors and they have a light version that is only 1 point for a large tortilla. Plus they seem to be thicker and not so paper like. I just tried the WW wraps last week for the first time. Not too bad but nothing to write home about.

Good job on resisting those darn cookies! :)

sherijung said...

I tried these tortilla things, but I just can't get past the vaguely vegetable taste. The rosemary or the sun dried tomato ones (also by La Tortilla) are much better, and I think they have the same number of points, and just a little less fiber. They are pricey though, at least $4 for a package.

soapbox girl said...

Oh, honey, I feel your pain. I am such a snob about Mexican food. I won't eat it anywhere but home (southwest!). At some point you just have to suck it up and say, for the calories it'll have to do.

Randi said...

excuse me ladies? where are your WIs? also, what a whole day with no post from either of you? Come on! now what's going to entertain me on my coffee break?