Friday, August 24, 2007

i'll take what i can get

-.6. now am 171.2.

gotta love the decimals.

was hoping for more...but oh well. i think it's time to step things up a bit.


Bri said...

decimals...hmmmm...maybe I should get a new scale. mine only does 1/2 pounds. but congrats on loss! your body, at least, seems to be getting the message. mine is in time out!

soapbox girl said...

Yay for the weight loss!!!! Congratulations!

katieo said...

.6 is enviable! (that's a word..right? It's late.)

and holy jeez! You guys are makin everyone else look bad by posting like crazy! lol! I'm outta commision for a couple of days and feel like I've missed a month!

oh. and bridget? a scale that only does 1/2 pounds? You are MISSING out!