Tuesday, August 14, 2007


there is actually a picture online. i just didn't look hard enough.

(yes, that was soooo much easier than just taking a digital pic because i am soooo busy and can barely find enough time to write one non-thought-provoking post, let alone two non-thought-provoking posts with pictures...ha!)

and while we're on the topic of retractions, i'd like to retract my comment from a previous post when i said that i "usually don't like food in bar format."

this is wholly false. i like granola bars (a little too much), pria bars, luna bars, fiber one bars...and now muffin bars.


katieo said...

Ok Meg. Have you tried those choco-pretzel protein bar thingys at Costo? It's like $20 for a small box. YIKES. THey are way too tasty to be healthy. I have to grab my Zone and Fiber Ones and run.

Meg said...

no, i haven't tried those...and probably shouldn't!! sounds yummy though.

can i get my tastebuds removed so i don't want to eat all the time?