Monday, August 27, 2007

moderately virtuous monday

well...nothing like a clean slate, eh? despite wanting to sleep alllll morning, i dragged myself out from under the covers and went walking this morning. and, i tried walking someplace new. it was good. i went to a park that has tons and tons of hills and i made myself climb all of them. i usually go walking for an hour, but it's on flat i only lasted 30 minutes on the hills, but i was really really sweating. and it felt good to do something different. (umm, the park doesn't have quite as many hills as that picture, but you get the idea)

the rest of the day was so jam-packed that i didn't really even have time to eat all day (*no, this really is meg, she hasn't been kidnapped, don't worry). i ended with 2 exercise, 21.5 eaten. flex in tact. i think i might have a little something before bed...1.5 points...hmmm....

oh oh oh! and thanks to soap box girl, i have been inspired to actually listen to my body, instead of just feeding it when my mouth wants food. after getting home from walking, i waited a record 2 hours to eat because i wasn't hungry! (don't worry, i ate 1/2 a protein bar before i left). anyway, that's pretty much unheard of around here, and hopefully it will be happening more often. (thanks mia!)


soapbox girl said...

You rock, girl! (and thanks for the link)

I'm so impressed that a) you climbed hills in the morning--on a Monday, to boot! AND b) you listened to your body before eating! I hope you keep journaling about what it's like. For example, if you have trouble waiting or if it gets easier. Misery loves company, y'know. :)

Bri said...

good job on the hills. it looks like new zealand to me...not that i have any knowledge of what NZ looks like...

katieo said...

I want to come with you next time!

Meg said...

katieo--yes!! please do!!

bridget--i think it is NZ, actually

soap box girl--misery does love company :)