Saturday, August 25, 2007

New Career

OK folks. I think I'm really on to something here. I need to quit my current (very low paying) "job" to become....

an inventor. a diet inventor.

Remember Meg's post about what to do about people in your life who eat whatever they want and don't gain weight? Well, I've just encountered the same problem out here.

Before I reveal my brilliant idea, let me back up.

My husband is really skinny (BMI 18.5). He likes to eat cookies. And I like to bake them for him (call me old fashioned, whatever). So I finally cave and bake in 75 cookies. They are very tasty (oatmeal, made with real butter, of course, chocolate chips, cranberries, pecans, and a dash of cinnamon). And the deal has always been that he is supposed to TAKE THEM AWAY FROM ME. You know, take them to work or hide them from me.

This time, he wasn't being very nice. He leaves them on the counter. When I asked him to hide them he says "why don't you just not eat them".

????? because I can't not eat them. Its impossible.

Then it occurred to me: I need to invent a discrete internal locking device for kitchen cabinets. That way, he can have his own kitchen cabinet filled with his cookies and other evils. And even if I really really really wanted one, and would somehow justify to myself how I should have one, I wouldn't be able to get to it.

I first envisioned some sort of bar/grate system with a lock. But that's no good, cause I'd open the bag by sticking my evil little fingers between the bars. Then I'd probably pull a "classic Bri": breaking off smallish bits of cookie over and over again and eating them - because surely, many bits of cookies is the same as actually eating a cookie, and is calorie-less.

So it'll have to be some sort of solid tungsten steel type panel covering a shelf with a lock in front. We wouldn't the company to see the lock, so the fantastic anti-cookie-locking-device needs to be hidden behind the cabinet door.

For the time being, maybe I should try this:(Um, I don't know why this image suddenly became blue, but you get the idea, right?)

FJ: ouchy. hosted dinner party tonight. the damage is pretty bad. plus that ^&*%&$ cookie. 36 points. 14 flex left. no exercise (it was brutally hot here today - "felt like 104" according to the weather lady. and we don't have a/c). I know I'm not supposed to make excuse for lack of exercise, but I think today I'm quite justified.


Meg said...

i will gladly buy your cabinet locking device. i really really need one of those. STAT!

soapbox girl said...

Those cookies sound YUMMY! Did you come up with the idea to add cranberries (and cinnamon) to the recipe? That's brilliant!

Randi said...

I don't understand. How could you "not eat them"? They're cookies and they're on the cupboard. did he mean that maybe you could "eat them slowly" or "eat only half of them" ? but not eat them? just doesn't make sense... ;)