Wednesday, August 1, 2007

"What's my motivation?"

So, I just got done working as a production designer on a movie for the past 5 weeks. There was a running joke on set whenever any of the crew members were asked to be extras (which was a lot, because no one will be an extra for free these days...but that's another story)...anyway, the running joke was to ask the director "what's my motivation?"--which is funny if the "acting" you're doing isn't really acting, but rather sitting at a desk or walking out of the frame etc....

So, now that I'm done w/ the movie (because it's not my "real" job), and more importantly free from the EVIL, ever-present CRAFT SERVICES table (the snack table on set, stocked with candy, donuts and everything else I shouldn't eat), I've decided it's time to get skinny. Not just skinnier...but skinny for real. Forever.

So, what's my motivation?

1. I won't lie. Skinny jeans! For those who know me, you know I am a bit of a denim collector, and it has been awhile since I've been able to wear certain pairs of jeans out of the house...certain very cute jeans that i spent lots of money on and now gather dust in the closet...I would like to be able to wear those jeans again while on my way down to true skinniness, which will be a new size, and will of course necessitate new jeans and lots of shopping.

2. Curiosity. Weight has always been tricky for me. I'm not obese, but I've never really been "skinny"... only "skinnier." This time, I'd like to go all the way. All the way to "skinny", and I'd like to stay there. Can I do it? I think I can...

3. Health/Disease Prevention. I talked about this w/ a friend the other day, but anyone who has struggled w/ weight issues before knows that reasons #1 and #2 on my list won't really cut it in the long run...there has to be something deeper to keep you going. So, I have a list of diseases and medical conditions that I'm afraid of which diet and exercise have been proven to help prevent. I'm terrified of diabetes, heart disease and cancer. So, getting "skinny" is really more about getting "healthy" and staying there. For some reason "skinny" sounds like more fun though...

4. Energy. "Nothing tastes as good as being thin feels." Heard this before? yea, me too. It's true though, being thin feels great. I'm tired of being tired all the time and dragging around. i figure if i weigh less, it will take less energy to drag myself around, right?

So, there's my motivation...(goals soon to follow)

what's your motivation?

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