Friday, August 3, 2007

meg=would be weight loss genius?

i may have had a mini-breakthrough.


i found this article "weight loss is all in your head" on someone's blog (sorry, out of like 11,000 blogs that i've looked through today, i lost track of exactly where i saw it...) anyway, here's the link: (apologies, i have forgotten how to do the cool kind of links that aren't the whole url.) (bri, help!)

Well, according to this article, i should be a weight loss genius. I am a type-B person...(with a tiny bit of type D thrown in). no, for real, every single personality test i have ever taken has suggested that i pursue employment in the field of bookkeeping, office management, accounting, library card-catalog specialist, professional organizer, etc. or in other words, bean counting. (if you'd like to see further evidence of my type-b-ness, i will gladly show you my "plan, timetable and calendar with appointments penciled in" as described in the article. i'm also extremely punctual. and very structured. and (mostly) very neat.

so, WHAT EXACTLY IS THE HOLD UP?! why have i not been a weight loss genius thus far?

because i HATE bean counting. big time. not just a little bit, but A LOT. nothing makes me crankier than anything to do with numbers, math, Quickbooks, balance sheets, or accounting of any sort. (because i admit i do love to alphabetize or arrange things by color)

it's time to embrace the inner bean counter.

so, i've decided to take my own advice, which i dish out to my (music) students between 10-30 times a week:

"There's no law that says you have to like it. You just have to do it."

well, that's certainly enough deep thoughts for the day, possibly the month. whew. i'm all tuckered out.


soapbox girl said...

Yeah, Half of Me (Pasta Queen) blogged about that article. Let's all become bean counters, eh?

katieo said...

"There's no law that says you have to like it. You just have to do it."

I tell this to the chillens on a daily basis...hourly basis. Great reminder. for ME.

Meg said...

soap box girl--yes, let's do it! (honestly, it is so much easier/more fun when you know other people are bean counting too...)

katieo--yea, i often wonder what kind of person i would be if i took any of my own advice! (probably a lot more disciplined for starters...)