Thursday, August 23, 2007

oh kashi, how do i love thee?

let me count the ways...

6 points on the Go Lean crunch today. i just couldn't keep my paws out of the box. it is sooo yummy. i suppose it is better than having my paws in the box of my brother's fruit loops (i know, gross...but it's been known to happen) (i like cereal, what can i say?)

actually, i was trying to be good and was in the process of measuring out the box contents into single-serving baggies...but the kashi's powerful crunchy-munchy-sweetness had me transfixed and i was powerless to resist.

Today i exercised 4, ate 28.5 so i have 30.5 flex left. it was one of those ireallyreallydon'twannacountorexercise i guess i did ok. i'm kinda nervous for the scale tomorrow. eeek.


Bri said...

yeah, kashi and I have issues. I remember a few years ago, i ate a whole box (munching when I got home from work) in 4 days. And it was a costco bag, so it was supposed to be 13 servings so something really high like that. Brilliant.

katieo said...

I'm a total Kashi fan.